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Participate in Kid Science with your child!

Online Studies

Interested in participating in a study with your child right from your home? Visit the Kid Science Online Studies page to view our current studies, and follow the link to sign up if your child is eligible.

In-Person Studies

Are you in the San Diego area and interested in visiting our labs in-person at UCSD? Visit the Kid Science In-Person Studies page to view our current studies, and follow the link to sign up if your child is eligible.

Autism Studies

Interested in participating in studies for autistic kids and siblings? Our researchers are looking for families of children with Autism to visit our labs or participate in our online studies. Sign up and check out our current online studies on the Autism Studies page.

Studies for Parents

Interested in participating in a parent study right from your home? Visit the Studies for Parents page to view our current studies, and follow the link to sign up if you are eligible.

Future Studies

If your child isn't eligible for a current study, or if you would like to be contacted by a researcher when a new study is available, you can sign up for our Kid Science contact list!

Please click the following link to go directly to our sign-up form (mobile-friendly display): Kid Science Labs Sign-up Form. Or, fill out the form directly below!

Our researchers will get in touch with you with study opportunities when we have a study that's the right age range for your child. At that time, we'll provide details about the research study and you can choose to participate! 


If you learned about the Kid Science Labs via a postcard, you're in the right place: With the permission of the California State Department of Human Services, we reach out to all new parents to invite them to participate in research. However, unless you contact us, you won't hear from us again. Please accept our apology if this postcard was unwelcome or received in error.