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Who We Are: Kid Science Lab Members

Visit the links below to visit our lab websites and read a little about what we do:

Developmental Neuroscience Lab logo

Developmental Neuroscience Lab

Led by Dr. Leslie Carver, we study questions like: How does children’s memory develop? How do infants understand other people? How does social behavior develop?

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Early Learning and Cognition Lab

Led by Dr. Caren Walker, we study questions like: How do children reason about cause and effect? How do children learn abstract concepts that extend past their direct observations?

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Language and Development Lab

Led by Dr. Dave Barner, we study questions like: How do children learn language? How does language influence children’s understanding of numbers and mathematics?

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Mind and Development Lab

Led by Dr. Adena Schachner, we study questions like: How do children reason about the social world, and how is this influenced by social experience? Why do children love to dance and sing, and what do they think these things mean?

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Mind and Development Lab logo

Social Cognitive Development Lab

Led by Dr. Gail Heyman, we study questions like: How do children make judgments about other people? How does this differ across cultures?

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Social Cognitive Development Lab
Social Cognition and Learning Lab logo

Social Cognition and Learning Lab

Led by Dr. Lindsey Powell, we study questions like: How do infants and children understand others' goals, emotions, and beliefs about the world? How do they use these states of mind to predict others' behavior?How do infants and children learn about and understand components of social interactions?

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